I have noticed much synchronicity in my life, and I have always been fascinated by it. Whenever it occurs, I feel as if Great Mystery is revealing a little bit more of itself to me.
Synchronicity, according to Wikipedia, is the simultaneous occurrence of events that appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection. How I found the Michael Teachings was quite synchronous, but before I share that story, I’d like to give you a bit of background so that you can have more context for what lead up to this event.
I have always been curious about the unseen, but I was raised in a fairly conservative home with Southern Baptist roots. In fact, my grandfather was the pastor of a church that was literally right around the block from my childhood home. It is an understatement to say that growing up, I was all up in the church!
In many ways, the church fed my curiosity for Spirit, even though, as time went by, I began to let go of the doctrine and dogma of the church. My experiences and my intuitive awareness lead me along with other paths of learning that better satisfied my questions and yearning to understand my life.
Sometime around the age of 16 (1994), I happened upon an Astrology book in the New Age section of a local bookstore (The Only Astrology Book You’ll Ever Need). I had already been familiar with my Sun Sign (Capricorn), but I had never known there were 9 other planets in my astrological chart, and that each of these planets’ positions in the chart symbolized some kind of thematic pattern in my life.
Right there in the bookstore, I flipped to the ephemeris (a table where you can find the position of the planets in the signs at any given time) in the back of the book so that I could learn what my Moon Sign was. I learned that my Moon Sign was/is Scorpio. As I read the description for this, I was blown away! How could a book know such intimate details about my inner nature? I was a teenager, after all, and like many teenagers, I felt very lonely and thought that no one understood me. But there it was, very perceptive and accurate insights about the more intimate and private nature of my psyche (the moon in astrology symbolizes your deep subconscious nature and instincts, your inner personality and your soul life).

That was it! I was hooked and had to learn all I could about how astrology, having never met me, could know so much about me!
I didn’t know it then, but this was the beginning of my personal spiritual journey. And I mean spiritual in the sense of gaining knowledge and awareness about my self with a capital “S.”
Fast on the heels of astrology came tarot. My friend gave me an over-sized tarot deck (the Thoth deck), and I began to study how to best use this tool and how to strengthen my intuition.
Then came many books like One Day My Soul Just Opened Up, A Course in Miracles and Conversations With God (the trilogy!), as well as my first foray into meditation practice.
It was like I was following a rabbit down a hole, and I had no idea where it was leading but I had to follow.
In 2003, Reiki entered my life (and this synchronous event deserves its own post…coming soon!) and signaled a dramatic turning point along my spiritual path. It was as if all that I had been exploring and studying became integrated, and I was then able to use what I had learned and share it with others. This is when I began to offer my intuitive services professionally.
The Reiki path was a new rabbit-hole, and it lead me to a wonderful teacher in New York City, where I spent 4 years working on healing myself (emotionally, mentally and spiritually but that’s another post altogether) and training in the spiritual healing and counseling arts so that I could offer professional healing and counseling support to others.
It was during this time that I was introduced to the Michael Teachings.

Previous to this time, I had already been introduced to channeled material from sources like Lazaris, Abraham (of Abraham-Hicks) and Seth. So I was aware of the process called channeling. I had even been entertaining the idea that, with practice, I could also learn to channel healing insights and information from sources other than myself (I was already channeling energy via the Reiki tools I had been using). But I had never had a personal experience with one of these “sources”… until I did!
In 2007, I was studying and training in the crystal healing arts. I had developed a good relationship with my teacher and often assisted him during his classes. This teacher would always bring many crystals with him to sell, and the room was lit-up with beautiful stones, some of which were from Brazil where “John of God” (one the most documented mediums and healers in modern times) resides.

During a break in the class, I had become enamored with one stone in particular, an angelic quartz generator that had my heart in that moment. As I held the stone and gazed into its frosty inner chambers, my heart opened and tears started to flow. I then felt a presence at the top of my head. It felt like someone had placed their hand lightly on my head. The presence was so distinct, I naturally asked: “Who’s there?”
“Michael” was the response.
“Archangel Michael?” I half-asked the presence and half-wondered to myself. But when no response came, I didn’t think much more of it. It was dismissed as my imagination.
The class resumed and I quickly let go of that strange experience. Then, during the next break, a lady with fiery red hair walked over to me. Since the class began, I had been staring at her, trying not to be conspicuous about it. But I found her to be beautiful, and there was this “light” around her, something that kept drawing my attention to her.
She asked me very casually, “Have you heard of the Michael Teachings?”
“Funny you should ask,” I said, “because I just had this strange experience with that stone over there where a presence at the top of my head said its name was Michael.”
“Yep, you’re a Michael student. You remind me of a channel I work with. You’re probably in the same cadre (a term Michael uses to describe certain spiritual families) as us. Just google
And that was that. She went back to her seat, and the class resumed. I was in shock and awe.
Well, as soon as I got home, I did google the Michael Teachings, and I did check out Troy’s website. The rest is history.

In Part II, I will share what it was like to begin studying this teaching and its impact on me, as well as describing my first interactions and conversations with Michael through a channel.
If you would like to chat with me I encourage you to drop me a line via messenger. I’d be happy to discuss any healing work we may do together. If you would like to know more about me or my services, please visit one of the buttons below.