How It All Began: My Introduction to The Michael Teachings (Part II)

This is a continuation of my initial experiences with Michael’s Teachings. I tell all about how I got connected with Michael Entity in the first part. Now, I want to go on, how I began my free-fall down yet another rabbit-hole of self-awareness.

Michael claims to be a group of soul “fragments” that have reunited into one, unified group consciousness. Every fragment from that “entity” (Michael terminology for spiritual family) has completed its round of incarnations on the physical plane. Now, the entity of soul fragments exists on and teaches from the causal plane (about one plane removed from the physical plane: physical, astral, causal, *akashic, mental, messianic, buddhic).

This is some far-out stuff, huh? If all of what Michael says about themselves is true, then I’m literally studying with thousands of dead people!

As “out-there” as this possibility seemed to me at the time I was first introduced to the teachings (and still does from time-to-time), this was not what stood out to me the most.

What stood out to me the most about Michael and their teaching and what really got my attention was their unconditional understanding and compassion for my human experience.

As I began to read as much of their channeled material as possible and work with them in my own private sessions, I was struck by the fact that they never made me or their other students wrong, never scolded, never shamed, never became impatient with us. On the one hand, they could be extremely direct and blunt with their information and perspective (which could be very unflattering for the ego!) and yet come across as only kind, caring and compassionate in their motivation and intention.

My very first in-person channeling session with Michael was in the context of a group session. Most of the other people there knew each other, already, but I didn’t know a soul (pun intended!). The channel (Troy of TruthLoveEnergy) asked Michael to speak about a general topic that might benefit the group and then allowed each person to ask Michael a personal question.

When my turn came to ask Michael a question, I wanted to know about a specific man whom I had been getting to know on an intimate level. The conversation went something like this:

“Hi, Michael.”

“Hello, Nicholas.”

“I have been dating this guy for a few weeks, and we have a very intense connection. We’re both attracted to each other, and we both want to be together, but he is pushing me away. He is HIV positive, and this adds complications to our getting to know each other. But I have assured him that we can figure it out together and that I am not put-off by his status. I just want to know what is going on with him and why he is so resistant?”

“First-off, we would ask you – why are you not asking him this question?

I tried to hide my embarrassment from the group and responded with,

“Well, I know I can talk to him about this, but I am wondering if there is anything going on that he is not telling me?”

“From what we can see, there is nothing more going on here than what you already know. He is afraid.”

And that was that. There may have been a bit more said, but I can’t remember at this point. What I do remember is that in that moment I learned an important lesson about relationships and communication that I took with me and applied across the board in my life.

Still, my start with these teachings was tentative in many ways, as I had been prone to gullibility in the past and was at a place in my own personal evolution where I was beginning to doubt and question ideas and the sources of those ideas.

Also, because Michael’s delivery of their teaching was not flowery or gushing with emotion, I was suspicious. I had been used to other new age-y sources that were full of feeling, sentiment and “personality.” At first, I was a bit taken aback by this lack of feeling and all of the “heady” intellectual terminology and concepts. I wondered if there was any practical merit to the teachings, or were they just a means for navel gazing and intellectual masturbation.

My second interaction with Michael helped me to shift this initial reaction to their content and style of teaching. This interaction was also in a group format, but via an internet chat room. 

If you are not familiar with Michael’s delivery and terminology, you may want to go slowly and even reread this excerpt several times:

[Me] I have recently had an inner realization reading a book on Adviata/Non-Duality (The Outrageous Myths of Enlightenment by Stephen Wingate). Where do your teachings fit in with the main teaching of Advaita, which says that Consciousness Is-And we are THAT. There is no separate self. The separate self is an illusion. My question, specifically, is around the idea of CHOICE and FREE WILL. Michael always speaks of CHOICE, but who has CHOICE if there is only ONE…? Isn’t choice by the personality/Ego merely an illusion?

[Michael Entity] Our response to this would be that there is validity to that philosophy, but as with many higher philosophies, they are rather tunnel-visioned. Of course, if one were to look at the original source (Tao, God, All-That-Is, etc.) and see that this ultimate force generated this universe, it could be easy to say, “where was my choice in this?” However, we encourage you to look at your current lifetime for that answer. It may be true that your parents birthed you and therefore, “you” had no choice in being born, but what you have done since that point HAS been your choice.

With that in mind, we suggest looking at the parameters of Choice as being more accurately understood as Choices WITHIN. In other words, “you” may not have chosen to be created as a Personality, but you DO have choice WITHIN the life that you have. You may have limitations on certain aspects of life due to physiological, psychological, geographical, socio-economical parameters, but you do have choice WITHIN those limitations.

Choice exists on all levels, even down to the cellular and subatomic levels, however the magnitude of impact and parameters increase the “higher” one goes. On cellular levels, for instance, choice is atomic, simply used as a matter of navigation.

[Me] Who has this choice? The personality/Ego? I have seen that the personality/EGO is not real…it is a collection of memories, thoughts, ideas, beliefs, self-image. So, who has the choice? Essence?

[Michael Entity] The “who” of the choice-making is relative to the context. The more limited the context, the more linear the choice-making. The broader the context, the higher the consciousness used, and the more non-linear the choice-making. In the end, it is ALL “you,” though the more linear aspects may disagree. And that is their prerogative. The more limited the choice, the more power the choice-maker has in that context. Think of the horse and rider, with the rider being Essence and the Personality being the horse. The horse will always have the specific details about the more limited contexts of where to step next, and can always buck the rider, if he chooses to do so. Or they can work together with one seeing the higher perspective for guidance, while the more focused perspective can navigate the terrain.

Within a lifetime, both Essence and Personality have choice, however, Personality has the ultimate power of choice within the lifetime. Essence will not interfere with the choices of Personality. Personality can choose to reject Essence and navigate the life completely “on its own.” However, Personality eventually learns how to manifest Essence and co-create the life through choices that are made on the levels of Personality, and leaving the higher patterns to Essence. If any of you choose to see yourselves as illusions and that your lives are merely the products of some higher force’s choices, you are missing the point. But that is your choice.

We would not agree with the philosophies that render the ego, the personality, or the lifetime as merely illusions. That is a perspective lacking in compassion and awareness, as your collections of memories, thoughts, beliefs, self-image are as “real” to YOU as any other level of reality is “real” to the observer that is “there.” We are certain that “Tao” knows of all of us as being as “real” as itself, much like any creator of expression or art, or builder of plans, or teacher of thought would think of the creation, structure, or impact as having as much life and validity as the creator, builder, teacher, etc. We would think it very difficult for any of you to prove you and your experiences are merely illusion, which is not to say that many of you cloud the experiences and often sensationalize the journey with unwarranted fears, but that is part of the human experience and you eventually clear the way. Until you clear the way, even the clouding and distortion is as “real” as it is to you, until it is not.

[Me] Okay…I understand both perspectives, and I think that I will have to keep looking into my own experience…

[Michael Entity] “Feisty,” that is a fair analysis: that both perspectives hold valid truths. ~ Channeled by Troy Tolley of TruthLoveEnergy

This conversation with Michael had a subtle yet powerful impact on me. Here was a teacher that didn’t try to convince me of anything but left plenty of room for me to grapple with the information and come to some understanding and perspective on my own.

Summary of the core ideas from Michael

I will leave you with a summary of what to me are some of the most important core ideas that Michael encourages us to explore if we feel so inclined. See what resonates trully with you.

  • We are essence/spirit/consciousness at our core.
  • We chose to incarnate, to have this physical plane experience.
  • Reincarnation is valid.
  • Essence/soul makes the choices that setup a lifetime, but once born and after the first breath, personality has complete “control” over the lifetime through its choices.
  • Essence does not impose or interfere with a lifetime unless personality consciously or unconsciously invites it to “help” and/or participate in the lifetime.
  • Choice is our most powerful tool.
  • All choices are valid.
  • No lifetime is wasted; every choice evolves the soul, even if only very slowly.
  • Karma is valid.
  • Karma is intensity and imbalance that is created when we interfere with our own or others’ choices.
  • Karma serves to propel evolution forward, as the soul seeks to balance the karma and balance all karma before “cycling off” the physical plane
  • As the soul gains experience through its personalities, it evolves in soul age perspective and progressively “remembers itself.”
  • Essence has a design that remains the same throughout all of its physical plane cycle and beyond, but personality is designed differently for each lifetime
  • The point of a lifetime is to be physical and experience the physical plane.

And finally, one sentence that sums up Michael’s entire teaching:

We are here to learn how to choose and to choose how to learn.

Michael Entity

If you would like to find out about Michael’s overleaf system, a kind of soul and personality map for understanding our own and others’ being, expression and behavior, go ahead and start your own journey here.

I’m also sharing my own Michael Profile if you are curious to see how it all shaped out. I received it from Michael via other channeler and it had a very profound impact on me.

If you would like to chat with me I encourage you to drop me a line via messenger. I’d be happy to discuss any healing work we may do together. If you would like to know more about me or my services, please visit one of the buttons below.

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