In this article, we will explore topics on karma, astrology, and the language of a

Astrology & Karma
According to Wikipedia, “astrology, in its broadest sense, is the search for meaning in the sky.”
I like this Wikipedia definition of astrology above because ultimately, that’s what the study and practice of astrology is all about – meaning creation. When we use astrology to help us create meaning, we are able to broaden and heighten our perspective on what it means to be a human in Earth School. This perspective supports us in gracefully dealing with life’s challenges and creating more joy in each moment.
Astrology is a symbolic language that helps us become aware of and attune to the patterns and themes that arise and pass away in our lives. Through the observation of the heavenly bodies and the synchronous events that correspond to their movements in the sky, we are able to glimpse an awesome order that exists beyond the seemingly random events that happen “down here.”
We are also able to gain much insight into our own personality dynamics and life patterns because the astrological natal chart (position of the sun, moon and planets at the time and place of your birth) shows how we at the soul level setup the exploration of our karma for this lifetime.
The entire astrological natal chart represents one’s karma.
Michael defines karma as “any imbalance that is generated from the intensity that also interferes with the choices of the self or another.”
Karma can be created from positive or negative experiences.
Our natal charts can give great insight into how our souls setup our lifetimes in order to balance certain karmas. Through transits and progressions (literal and symbolic movement of planets after your birth and in relation to your natal chart), we can map the unfolding and activation of karmic themes throughout our lives.
Understanding our karma helps us to understand the higher perspective of the soul, and helps us to create another pathway for an opening to agape/unconditional love. Through the process of creating and balancing karma, we learn what are the ramifications of our choices. As we learn and grow (during a single lifetime and over the course of many lifetimes through soul age perspective) we eventually come to own our choices and to evolve in our capacity to make choices that are more loving, compassionate and fulfilling.
The Language of Astrology
Astrology is a symbolic language that uses planets, signs, and houses in order to communicate a vast array of information and insight that can help us bring a deeper understanding to our lives. Each of these components describes a specific area of karmic exploration.
- Karma having to do with fundamental human needs.
This is the “what” – self-expression (Sun), communication (Mercury), relating (Venus), etc.
- Karma having to do with the 12 archetypal styles for fulfilling those fundamental human needs.
This is the “how” – assertively (Aries), sympathetically (Cancer), idealistically (Sagittarius), etc.
- Karma having to do with areas of life experience.
This is the “where” – finances/material security (2nd house), home-life (4th house), profession (10th house), etc,
Now, let’s look more in-depth into each astrological aspect, the planets, the signs, and the houses and find out about some of the areas of karmic exploration that they symbolize.
The Planets (the “what”)
- Sun – self-karma, being,
and authentic self-expression, the need to shine, vitality/life-force - Moon – self-image, subconscious patterns, conditioning and habit, the need to nurture/be nurtured
- Mercury – intellect, rational mind, interpretation, communication, the need to exchange information
- Venus – desires, values, attraction, sex, relating/relationships, the need for intimacy and union
- Mars – passion, drive, aggression, anger, sex, self-assertion, the need for taking action
- Jupiter – higher aspiration, beliefs, ethics, philosophy, trust, the need for meaning and expansion
- Saturn – limitation, necessity, responsibility, focus, effort, discipline, the need for solidarity and security
- Uranus – excitement, restlessness, breaks from tradition, innovation, the need for liberation/freedom
- Neptune – dissolution of boundaries and feeling one with the whole, the need for compassion and acceptance
- Pluto – decay, death/rebirth, transformation, the power of evolution, the need for full integration and purpose
The Signs (the “how”)
- Aries – assertive, quick to take action, impulsive, spontaneous, self-centered, courageous
- Taurus – sensual, savoring, natural, slow and steady, determined, a connoisseur of beauty and fine things
- Gemini – playful/light, friendly, curious, social, scattered, intellectual, expressive, communicative
- Cancer – cautious, reserved, intuitive, emotional, sympathetic, nurturing, dreamy, romantic
- Leo – bold, confident, authoritative, generous, creative, “larger than life,” fun-loving, childlike
- Virgo – analytical, discriminating, critical, perfecting, pragmatic, helpful, humble, self-effacing
- Libra – social, other-centered, relationship-oriented, harmonious, artistic, diplomatic,
seeks balance and fairness - Scorpio – intense, passionate, private, probing, psychological, catalytic, transformational, taboo-oriented
- Sagittarius – freedom-loving, idealistic, aspiring, optimistic, future-oriented, philosophical, bohemian
- Capricorn – traditional, goal-oriented, reserved, cautious, practical, authoritative, organized, responsible
- Aquarius – eclectic, social, political, humanitarian, intuitive, innovative, intellectual, impersonal
- Pisces – soulful, intuitive, service-oriented, emotional, dreamy, creative, imaginative, compassionate
The Houses (the “where”)
- 1st House – the personality, the persona, appearance, general health, and vitality, early life experience
- 2nd House – personal possessions, what you own, the body, gifts, talents, values, income, “wealth”
- 3rd House – kin, siblings, neighbors/neighborhood, concrete mind, schooling/learning, communications
- 4th House – the base of operations, home, roots, private/inner life, soul-life, family, parents, imprinting
- 5th House – creative self-expression: children, hobbies, entertainment, romance, speculation, fun-and-games
- 6th House – self-improvement, health, daily routines/rituals, work, duty, responsibilities, service
- 7th House – others, partnerships (therapeutic, business and romantic), the spouse, open-enemies/conflict
- 8th House – others’ resources/shared resources, sharing, deep intimacy, death, “the dead,” afterlife, inheritances
- 9th House – abstract mind/higher mind and philosophical pursuits, long-distance travel, foreigners/foreign lands
- 10th House – vocation, profession, career, contribution, power, status, authority, public life, public persona
- 11th House – group consciousness, social awareness, friends, support, goals, vision, and planning for the future
- 12th House – solitude, hidden matters & “enemies,” karmic matters, problematic habits/behaviors, spiritual practice
I hope by now you are blown away, and this is just the tip of the iceberg! I am continuously amazed by the wealth and depth of information and insight into myself and others that can be gathered through the study of this ancient art. But the benefits of astrology don’t stop at information and insight. They also include self-acceptance, healing and bringing a kind of “soul-vision” into day-to-day life that helps us to navigate the “ups and downs” with more clarity and confidence.

The Universe resounds with the joyful cry I am!
– Scriabin
If you would like to begin studying astrology, there are a few books that I can recommend on my
To schedule an astrological consultation so that you can learn more about your own and/or others’ karmic patterns/themes, please visit my services and find out what steps to take next.
If you would like to learn about Healing with Reiki to achieve balance on a physical, emotional, intellectual and/or spiritual level, please go to my Healing with Reiki section.
If you have any questions, you can always contact me via my web form, directly via email or by messenger (chat is available down below). I look forward to assisting you in returning to wholeness.