
First off, I celebrate you, Divine Being! I see you, Great Mysterious One, and through you, I see my Self. I’m honored to be of service to you as you walk the path beneath your feet, as you heal, grow, and awaken to your unique spiritual being and unleash your creativity into the Great Infinite-Eternal.

Next, I want to put my services in context; everything I offer is my unique way of being a spiritual mentor and teacher who supports your awakening, enlightenment, healing, learning, growing/evolving, and thriving. My sweet spot as a spiritual mentor is in guiding you in your Meditation on Self and Life. I do this through the structure of helping you to begin a “sitting with yourself,” daily meditation practice while meeting with you regularly to address the challenges, insights, and questions that arise during your daily practice and in your life as a whole.

However, I have learned over the years that it’s best to let my clients guide our work together. I’m quite interested in meeting you where you are on your spiritual journey and what interests you most as this time. Perhaps, you want to meet with me weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly for guidance on establishing a daily Meditation on Self and Life practice? Or perhaps, you are drawn to work with the Michael Entity through my channeling services? Maybe, you want to schedule my time so that you can learn to work with oracle and/or tarot cards as a guide on your path? Or all of the above? Great! Just know that whenever you schedule time with me, it’s your time, and you can use that time however you like. And no matter what service you choose, I will always be doing my spiritual mentoring and teaching thang’!

Here are all of the services I offer at a glance, and as you scroll down this page, you will be able to learn more about each service:

*Spiritual Mentoring, Meditation on Self and Life (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly mentoring)

*The Michael Teachings Channeling, Support and Tutorials

*Reiki System of Natural Healing Sessions

*Evolutionary Astrology Readings, Consultations and Tutorials

*Destiny Cards/Love Cards Readings, Consultations and Tutorials

*Intuitive/Tarot Readings, Consultations and Tutorials

*Party and Group Astrological and Tarot Readings

How to Order a Service

[My old PayPal account was hacked, and I had to close it and therefore, delete my old PayPal payment buttons. PayPal has changed a few things since I originally created my payment buttons, and now it seems I cannot add multiple service buttons to my page. So, I have added one stack of buttons (PayPal will also not let me get rid of the extraneous buttons in the “stack”…like Venmo, for example!) for the purchase of all of my $150/60min services. Please scroll down all the way to the end of the services to use the button. For all of my other services, please email me at my email below if you would like to purchase one of those services, and I will email you a PayPal payment request for the service (please include the preferred email for sending the payment request). I hope to get this issue resolved soon so that purchasing services will be more convenient for all of us. Ultimately, however, that resolution may have to be a new website in the near future. In the meantime, thank you for your understanding and patience-cheers!] -4/2/24

In order to purchase your service/session, please click on the Paypal link towards the bottom of this page (or email me for a Paypal payment request if the service you’re requesting is more than $150). You will be directed to another page in order to complete your purchase. Immediately following, please email me at to let me know you have purchased a service and would like to schedule time with me (please also include your phone number, if you would prefer me to call you rather than email). I will get in touch with you within 24-48hrs in order to schedule your session.

And if you have any questions about these services, please feel free to reach out to me via email. I’m happy to answer any questions you may have.

I look forward to our sacred time together. Peace and many blessings!

My Services

1. Spiritual Mentoring, Meditation on Self and Life, 1hr-$150

You probably know how important it is to love yourself but find yourself asking “How”? Deepening your spiritual connection and learning how to love yourself go hand-in-hand. In order to love yourself, it helps to understand who and what your self is. Spiritual mentoring is a process where you get to know and love your self as a multi-dimensional being: a personality composed of body, emotions, and intellect and a soul essence composed of truth, love, and beauty. Personality is the part of you with whom you are very familiar and tend to take for granted. It’s the thinking, feeling, sensing, and reacting egoic you that only knows attachment as a way of life. Your essence, on the other hand, is the part of you with whom you may be more unfamiliar and tend to ignore, dismiss, reject, and/or mythologize. Your essence is eternally curious and open to learning and growing. It only knows non-attachment. It only knows truth, love, and beauty. Getting to know and discern these fundamental parts of self opens the door to new vistas of awareness, clarity, healing, empowerment, fulfillment, and creativity. And yes, love.

Discerning these two parts of self will form the foundation of our work together while we also delve deeper into more specific and challenging aspects of personality such as:

*Fear, attachment, and why you experience pain and suffering and how to free yourself from fear, pain, and suffering

*How to identify limiting/negative beliefs and replace them with empowering/positive beliefs

*Scarcity consciousness and how to access your abundance consciousness

*What blocks your healing, transformation, evolution, creativity, and learning

*How to understand relationships as mirrors and non-violent communication

*Learning to trust yourself, your intuition, and synchronicity (essence communicating with you!)

*The mythologies of awakening and enlightenment

*And much, much, more!

The main tool we will use for this powerful exploration is a daily, 20-minute, “sitting with yourself” meditation practice that you do on your own (or Unified Mindfulness meditation for those who initially find it too difficult to sit and “do nothing”). To support your meditation practice, personal and spiritual growth, you will meet with me weekly for an hour of spiritual mentoring. These mentoring sessions will be unique to you. They will unfold from the challenges and insights you experience in your meditation practice, as well as the questions and concerns you bring to me related to your life as a whole.

For those who want to do an even deeper dive into their spiritual life, we will also use the tools of The Artist’s Way, by Julia Cameron. I have found her insight and guidance into reclaiming our inner “artist” to be quite helpful in understanding the other side of spirituality. We cannot heal and gain full awareness of our souls without also embracing our inherent gift of creativity. It is creativity that gives our spiritual realization legs to walk, run, and play in the playground of life.

And depending on how much time you want to devote to your transformative adventure, I will recommend various books of wisdom to support the process, such as The Four Agreements and The Fifth Agreement by Don Jose Ruiz and Don Miguel Ruiz. 

Spiritual Mentoring is a powerful process for transformation and healing. Through this process, you are allowing the spiritual teacher in me to hold hands with the spiritual teacher in you. That is all any “guru” or spiritual teacher can ever do – help you to remember what you already know, help you to see that you already have everything you need inside of you.

In a sense, when you get to know and love yourself, nothing changes. And on the other hand, everything changes.


Babylove’s support has become so important in my life. He has a way of transforming big questions and fears into understandable ideas that have stuck with me. Our work has helped me feel less alone and more capable of being in my life with grace. His way of being is so soft and powerful – you really get the sense that he lives closely to what he teaches.

~Mental Health Therapist, Denver, CO

Please email me at if you would like to schedule a Zoom chat with me to learn more about Meditation on Self and Life Spiritual Mentoring and how it can help you to expand your life horizons.

2. The Michael Teachings Channeling (Studying with the Michael Entity), Support and Tutorial Services

If you are looking for a “no-nonsense” yet compassionate teacher and guide who can give you a broader perspective on your ego, your soul essence, your relationships, your life’s journey and more, without ever shaming, scolding or judging you, then Michael may be a teacher for you.

Michael will answer any question you ask, as no question is too mundane for them. However, be prepared for a response that is not sugar-coated. They are clear and direct in their communications and do not seek to pander to or flatter your ego. Their intent is to assist you in your personal and spiritual evolution, giving you tools that you can use to become more conscious and confident in navigating your life.

That being said, Michael never asks that you blindly accept what they say, for they could be incorrect in their interpretation of your Akashic records, and/or what comes through could be “bad” channeling. Built into their teaching is an emphasis on study, as well as questioning and validating any information given. Growth and comprehension come from work with Michael over time, as you validate their teaching for yourself and apply what you have learned within the various contexts of your life.

Michael Profile, $75

A Michael Profile consists of a report on what type of soul essence you are, your soul age, life-goal, mode of operation, attitude, primary obstacle and more. As an example, you can view my Michael Profile, here.

Note: You will not be present for this channeling.  I will schedule the time to channel your profile on my own and then email you the profile once I have received all of the profile information from Michael.

Pillars of Vitality Report, $150

Pillars of Vitality Report provides insights into your true work/life task with comments, as well as suggestions for your true play, true rest, and true study.

Note: You will not be present for this channeling.  I will schedule the time to channel your report on my own and then email you the report once I have received all of the relevant information from Michael.

Your 3 Primary Needs Report, $150

Your 3 Primary Needs Report from Michaels’ teaching on the 9 needs (security, adventure, freedom, power, exchange, expansion, communion, acceptance, expression), with comments.

Note: You will not be present for this channeling.  I will schedule the time to channel your report on my own and then email you the report once I have received all of the relevant information from Michael.

Michael Live Chat – 1hr-$150

Michael Live Chat is a chat with Michael on Discord (we can also use Zoom, Skype, or phone when necessary).  During your chat, you can ask him/them anything you like and get a real-time response.

3-5 Emailed Questions for Michael, $150

3-5 Emailed Questions for Michael is where you can ask anything you like via email and get your answers from Michael emailed back to you.Michael Teachings Study Support and Channeling Tutorials, 1hr-$150At its heart, the Michael Teachings is a philosophy of choice meant for older souls. From this heart, beautiful, semi-symmetrical branches of insightful and enlightening concepts, with specific terminologies used by the Michael Entity, fan out to become this intricate body of self-empowering knowledge we are able to use as a map, a guide for navigating and co-creating this awesome life.However, this is a demanding teaching in that it asks us to study with a mid-causal plane entity (who is doing its best from its “higher perspective” to convey expanded concepts in a way we can understand and apply in our day-to-day lives) through a human channel (where there is bound to be distortions of the message)! Therefore, built into this teaching is the necessity for grappling with the terminology and concepts, experimenting with, questioning and testing the information given, applying as much of the teaching as possible to your life, and validating the results. This process takes time and study! It takes time just as your evolution takes time.

So, it can be helpful to have support in your studies. This is non-channeling time with me, not with Michael (although, Michael is always “in the background”!). This is time when we can discuss anything about the teachings you like, and you can ask any questions you need to ask to help you study, integrate, and apply the teachings to your life.

And if you are wanting to learn to channel (the Michael Entity or any other non-physical consciousness), we can use this time as a tutorial to support your channeling learning curve.

I am always available for support and questions through email, but I only have so much time and mental bandwidth to respond to emails, so these support and tutorial services are a way for you to have more focused and timely access to me, if and when you need it!

***The flow of information for the profile, reports, and emailed questions tends to be less immediate than during a live session. I’m not sure why this is, but it means that your report may come 1 to 4 weeks later (on average) than the scheduled date I set aside for the channeling, as I sometimes have to return to the work multiple times until it is complete. Please take this into consideration when selecting these services.

Please Note:

Channeling is a delicate, sensitive, and not-so-well-understood process. No channel is 100% accurate, and channels have “off” days.  Do not blindly accept any information given to you. Question and validate the information for yourself, as this supports true comprehension.

Also, for various and sometimes mysterious reasons, channeling cannot always be done “on demand”. For this reason I ask for your understanding and patience with delays and/or reschedules. However, I will always communicate with you about the progress (or lack thereof!) on your channeled report or profile. I will always be working as best I can to get you the channeled information as soon as I can. Thank you!

3. Reiki Healing for Your Mind, Body, and Soul

A Reiki healing session is a sacred time where you are invited to relax and do nothing. You are invited to simply let go and allow the natural healing intelligence and movement of your spiritual life-force do what it knows how to do best, in the moment, to support you wherever you are on your evolutionary journey through life. As you relax, you release tension and stress and receive the life-force into the deepest recesses of your subtle energy system, body, heart, and mind. Your inner healer (the soul) begins and/or continues a process of repairing what has been damaged within your being.

During your session, you lie comfortably on a massage table, while Reiki (spiritual life-force energy) is activated by touch to flow through your being, as my hands are placed gently on or near your body (or symbolically placed on or near your body in a distance healing session). This is often experienced as a “cleansing” or “re-balancing” of your heart, mind, and body. Ultimately, this strengthened flow of life-force through your being encourages deep healing right where you are most ripe and ready for change and forward evolution.

Reiki healing helps you remember and come home to who you truly are as a spiritual being having a human experience. From this place of peace, love, and clarity, you are in a better place from which to cooperate with your healing process and make more conscious choices that support your accelerated healing and growth.

The benefits of Reiki healing are cumulative. Each time you receive a session, you strengthen your spiritual healing and increase your awareness of your true self.

Healing sessions can be used in the contexts below, and the more chronic and long-term the issue, the more consistent a schedule of regular treatments is necessary for healing:

  • energy “tune-up, for regular, preventative health-care maintenance
  • short-term relief, of pain, stress, chronic issues, etc.
  • long-term healing of a chronic issue

In my experience, energy healing can bring benefit no matter what the physical, emotional, mental, and/or spiritual issue.  Here are a few specific issues with which you may need support:

  • low energy/vitality
  • stress (day-to-day life, transitions, illness, trauma, etc.)
  • anxiety
  • depression
  • sadness/grief
  • self-esteem issues
  • pain relief
  • pre/post-operative support

If you have never experienced this type of healing work and want to see if it is effective for you, or you would simply like to experience the work through me before making a commitment, I am happy to offer you a complimentary, 20-minute, seated in a chair, Reiki treatment.

For your first session with me, I do recommend 90-minutes, as there is an initial intake and “getting to know you” process that can require a bit more time than in later sessions, and this would ensure that you have more time for the table/body-work portion of your first session.


I have worked with Nick for some time now and as we’ve come to the end of this cycle of distance healings I feel as though my life has changed. His healing transmissions worked at a deep level, which allowed me to really get a simple but powerful teaching. I learnt it and then ‘felt’ it! Nick supported me to know that love is always with me no matter what is happening in my life, and in fact I am love at the deepest part of me. This realization and his energy healing, worked to shift compacted and negative energy and so enabled me to really feel the love of the divine. Nick is very skilled at what he does, but humble as he will share parts of his journey, which means that it is easy to share your own struggles or uncertainties. The thing I have also loved about working with Nick is that he is genuine and not driven by money, which means he is flexible and understanding, so you can go at your own pace. Lastly, Nick is full of light and love, he is a great example of what he teaches. I highly recommend Nick for his breadth of knowledge, his loving presence, his generosity and his exceptional healing powers.

~Patricia, Researcher, Auckland, New Zealand

Distance Healing, 1hr-$150

  • We will connect via Zoom, Skype or phone before the Reiki transmission with a follow-up email afterwards
  • Please email me at to discuss whether or not distance healing could be effective for you

4. Evolutionary Astrology Readings, Consultations, Tutorials

Gone are the days of rigid, predictive astrology! Thank Tao! We have entered the age of quantum physics where it is now accepted that consciousness does affect our objective and material reality. So, YOU are the other half of the astrological equation. Your consciousness matters.  Your choices matter.  You are free to choose and engage your natal chart (or birth chart) creatively, as you go about creating a life that you love. Fate can only win if you choose NOT to choose. And even not choosing is a choice.

When you come for an astrological consultation, you are inviting more consciousness into your awareness, into your life patterns and behaviors, so that you can choose more wisely, more freely, and create your life more effectively and joyously.

Your natal chart gives you a great deal of insight and information about how your life is designed to run most smoothly and harmoniously. It tells us, in symbolic form, what makes you feel most alive, what makes you happiest, what is the most natural persona to cultivate in the world, where your most meaningful sense of purpose and destiny lie, how to create the most fulfilling relationships, and much more.

It also tells us where you are likely to get “hung-up” and “stalled” in your effort to live life to the fullest.  It shows us your karmic predicament and your soul’s evolutionary intent.  This is powerful stuff!

Are you ready to delve deeper into your sanctuary of self-knowledge? Are you ready to take that self-knowledge and apply it through confident action and fulfilling creation in the playground of life? Then, I look forward to working with you!

Note: All readings are $300 for 2-3hrs of time with me in person, over Zoom, Skype, or the phone. All readings are recorded and emailed to you after your session.

Natal Chart, 2-3hrs-$300

I described a bit about this reading above. This is where we look at the main life territories through which your hero’s journey will unfold, with all of its mythologies, shadows, and gifts.  In addition to the basic pattern and tone of your life map, we will also look at the “chart behind the natal chart” in order to gain profound insight into the basic karmic story your soul brought into this lifetime.

The karmic story tells us what remains unresolved from your past and where you are likely to unconsciously repeat unproductive habits that would tend to derail you from reaching your full potential. The karmic analysis tells us precisely where you are vulnerable this lifetime so that you can be armed with awareness and compassion for yourself and begin to or continue your healing. But it also tells us what the healing medicine is for you and how to guide your life-force with conscious choice in order to experience self-actualization, evolution, and fulfillment.

In a nutshell, we will acknowledge your weaknesses and challenges, give you “medicine” to help you heal from the past, reinforce and validate your strengths and gifts, empower your most fulfilling directions and celebrate your unique potential.

Transits, Progressions & Solar Arcs (“Weather Forecast”), 2-3hrs-$300

From the moment you are born the unique mandala of forces symbolized by your natal chart begin to unfold and evolve. Transit charts help us to glean your current astrological “weather forecast,” while progression charts give insight into where you are in the more intimate unfolding of your own personal evolutionary intent. At any given moment, we can look at these transit and progression charts to understand exactly which evolutionary questions, themes, challenges, and opportunities are being highlighted for you and in which areas of life: personal style, education and learning, destiny, career, health/vitality, emotional fulfillment and healing, relationships, home-life, day-to-day work and more.

Most people, after having their natal charts read, like to check their transits and progressions with me once each year or every couple of years around their Solar Return (birthday!). This is a powerful way to honor yourself and gain insight into the meaning of your current life experiences. Armed with these astrological insights, you can see clearly where you have been and confidently navigate where you are and where you are going.

Note: I request that you have a natal chart consultation with me before having your transits and progressions read.

Relationship Chemistry & Compatibility, 2-3hrs-$300

People always ask me who they should date in terms of sun-sign/zodiac sign compatibility. I always tell them that the sign the sun is in in the natal chart is a very central and important piece of the puzzle in understanding who someone is, what their potential shadow behavior can look like, what their potential virtuous behavior can look like and the basic quality of chemistry between that person and a friend, family member, co-worker, lover or mate. Then, I quickly add that the sun is only one factor in the natal chart! You have 8 other planets (plus the moon, which makes 9) in one of the twelve signs, and all of these heavenly bodies are in one of the twelve houses of the birth-chart. The natal chart is very complex…just like a human being! To give powerful insight into any relationship’s chemistry and compatibility, I have to see both individual’s natal charts.  And then I always finish my answer by saying that no matter the quality of the chemistry and compatibility (soft and easy, hard and challenging, or a mix of both…which is usually the case) between two people, anyone can be with anyone and have a successful and beautiful relationship. There are many factors to success in a relationship, but the most critical one is the consciousness of the two people involved. No matter how wonderful and easy the astrological relationship chemistry, no matter how much history and love the two peoples’ souls share, if one person is relating from an unconscious place of reaction, defense, and self-protection, it can destroy any relationship. On the flip side, no matter how challenging and hard the relationship chemistry, no matter how little history and love the two peoples’ souls share, if one and especially both people are relating from a conscious place of responsibility, openness, and vulnerability, then any relationship can work and be successful.

With this reading, I look at each individual’s natal chart and get a sense of who they are as individuals and how they as individuals challenge each other or harmonize with each other. Then, I look at their charts in relation to each other and see what the more specific chemistry is between them. Finally, as I present all the information and insight, I emphasize where more awareness if likely needed in the relationship to keep shadow expressions from destroying it and where more emphasis on the strengths of the relationship can help to balance the challenges and amplify the beauty and fulfillment in the relationship.

And that’s about it in a nutshell! Sit down with me, and let’s have a cup of tea while we honor one of the most profound and mysterious realities of human life.

Note: I request that at least one person in the relationship have their natal chart read by me before ordering a Relationship Reading. 

Solar Return (Birthday Chart), 1hr-$150

Every year on your birthday, the astrological Sun returns to the very same degree of Zodiac Sign where it was the day you were born. Therefor, every year on your birthday, you get a birthday chart for that exact moment of the Sun’s return. This chart gives you a snapshot of the trends and themes you will encounter for the year ahead. Treat yourself, your friends, and family to this insightful and empowering look at the year ahead. It makes a wonderful birthday gift!

General Consultations, Questions and Tutorials 1hr-$150

Once you have already received a natal chart reading from me, beyond the more comprehensive “weather forecast” reading, you may decide to “pop-in” with me from time-to-time for general questions you have about themes and concerns in your life as they unfold. It can be especially helpful to do this when you need to know the timing of various themes in your life, like when to ask for that raise you have been thinking about or when the relationship “crazy” is likely to end, for example.

And if you’ve never received a natal chart reading from me, oh well, you’re missing out! Just kidding;-) Still, please feel free to use this service if you have any questions about your chart, your life, and/or the timing of various themes in your life. We can always circle back to a more comprehensive natal chart reading later!

I’m also available for basic astrological tutorials. For many years, I was a self-taught astrologer. Eventually, and after I began doing professional readings, I found my astrological mentor (Steven Forrest). In that space between my own private studies, beginning a professional practice, and studying with my mentor,  I could have used some support and guidance from time-to-time. If you feel called to begin learning this beautiful and ancient art, I’m happy to assist you! Or if you are already on the learning curve, but would like some knowledge, wisdom, and tips from me, I’m at your service.


When I learned about Nick from someone else who had received a reading, I knew that I wanted to reach out to him for a reading of my own. My session with Nick was wonderful, enjoyable, and both illuminating and reinforcing of self knowledge. Nick’s reading was thorough and beautiful and satisfying in an indelible way. Since my reading with Nick (which I have re-listened to a few times, picking up more and more each time) I have directed him to several close people in my life, who also feel seen and informed by his gorgeous cosmological nebulous web of beauty and knowledge. I am so grateful to have had a reading from Nick and would advocate for others to avail him of his immense and prescient talent.

~Jonny, Educational Designer, Vancouver, Canada

5. Destiny Card Yearly, Weekly*, and Compatibility Readings, Consultations, Tutorials, 1hr-$150

I have been studying and using this system for almost as long as I have been studying astrology-for over 30yrs! It is endlessly mysterious, fascinating, and accurate. It blends numerological, astrological, and ancient wisdom related to a regular deck of playing cards (structured in the same way as a traditional tarot deck). I have begun to call it a “short-cut” to astrology because you get similar insights from this system, with it being less time consuming to learn and to interpret the cards for a reading. You’ll get a more comprehensive reading of your life themes, “weather forecasts” or year-ahead readings from the perspective of traditional astrology, but this system can give additional specific information about the timing of events that you won’t get from traditional astrology. It can be nice to get both perspectives! Or perhaps you feel drawn to one system over the other. Either way, I decided to offer these readings because they are so helpful in understanding the patterns of our karma for a lifetime and how that karma is activated in yearly cycles and more. It is uncanny how the cards that show up in your yearly spread predict various events and even reflect various people in our lives.

As with traditional astrology, however, timing events is not the highest purpose of this system. Its highest purpose is in teaching us to practice a powerful kind of personal alchemy: to learn to interact with the events that do unfold in our lives with consciousness and expanded possibilities for transmuting the lead of unpleasant experience into pleasant, fulfilling, evolutionary gold.

In essence, engaging this system can help you to live as a spiritual warrior, to live as your indomitable soul!

And if you need any help in learning how to use this system for yourself (which I highly recommend!), I am here to help!

*Weekly readings include 4 readings per month ($150). Each 20-30min reading is recorded. All you need for these readings is a Bridge-sized deck of traditional playing cards (2 1/4 inches by 3 1/2 inches). Poker-sized will work, too. Yes, with some instruction, you’ll be shuffling, cutting, and laying out the cards into the weekly spread (or I will do it for you until you get a deck of playing cards!) and sending me the pic of the spread so that I can record the interpretation.

Depending on what day of the week you were born, your “week” may go from Monday to Sunday, Tuesday to Monday, Wednesday, to Tuesday, etc.

Also, before I interpret each spread for the week, you will be able to send me the birthdays of up to 3 important people in your life so that I can see where these individuals fall in your weekly spread. This gives amazing insight into the nature of your relationship with those people each week, as well as how best to navigate the themes that arise between you.

My own personal, weekly readings have become an integral part of my ongoing spiritual practice and personal development, helping me to trust the inner and outer events that arise in my life from week to week, seeing them as the perfect experiences to help me heal, grow, expand my consciousness, and create fulfillment and prosperity in my life. 

It is so helpful to have a “high level” map for navigating day-to-day, week-to-week, life, and I so look forward to sharing this knowledge and wisdom with you! 

6. Intuitive Reading & Counseling, 1hr-$150

During these readings, you can ask anything you like, and I may help you to reformulate your question so that you can get the most out of our time together. Oftentimes, intuitive work is about validating what you already know. Our time together helps you to trust what you already know. It is also a time to get additional insight and information that can help you to navigate your life with trust and confidence.

When I do these sessions, I resonate with your energy field and connect with you soul-to-soul. From there, I receive impressions, feelings, images, sounds and/or “knowing” that I interpret in relation to your questions. My style is down-to-Earth and candid.  Depending on your preference and the creative flow of the moment, I may or may not use tarot cards during your session.  As I don’t predict the future (though I may give you probabilities based on my current interpretation of the way the future seems to be unfolding), you don’t have to worry about having a “bad” reading!

These sessions are about empowering you and giving you guidance on how to best meet the next moments and phases of your life, whether those moments or phases happen to be challenging or easy.

7. Party and Group Astrological and Tarot Readings, 3hrs-$600

Just about everyone loves a good party, including intuitive-healer types. If you would like for me to come to your party or event (San Diego County) and offer astrological and/or intuitive readings, your wish is my command!

Doing this work in these types of settings has always been tons of fun for me, without sacrificing the clarity and depth of the insights and information that I receive and share.  I can see your guests individually for brief (20 min), private sessions or for sessions with the entire group present and holding space for the readings.  For events, my hourly rate is increased due to the greater focus it takes for me to see different people, back-to-back, in rapid-fire style. Also, I can read for 8 people over 3hrs, but I will need a 20min pause somewhere in there!

Work with me in-person or via Zoom, Skype, phone, Discord (download here), or my website chatroom

For most of my services, (excluding Reiki System training and Party and Group Astrological and Tarot Readings) I am available via Discord, Zoom, Skype, and phone.  If you live in or are visiting the San Diego area, we can meet in person!

Email me and let’s schedule some time to talk about how I can best be of service to you:

*All appointment times are in Pacific Time. Please adjust accordingly to your time zone, taking into account daylight savings time.

Just a quick note

If you feel a strong resonance with me and desire to work with me, and you are financially challenged, please let me know, as I do try to find a way to work with everyone who seeks my services and is also serious about their spiritual growth, healing, and evolution. Email me at the address above and let’s work it out together.

24-hour Cancellation Policy

A 24-hour cancellation policy applies to all sessions. I reserve the right to retain full payment for cancellations within 24hrs, with the exception of non-work-related emergencies.


If you would like to support me and the expansion of my work in the world, please email me at, and thank you in advance for your generous support!

Please Note

Spiritual mentoring, healing, and counseling are not a replacement for professional medical and/or mental health services. I provide spiritual, complementary, and alternative healing and counseling services. If you are in need of a professional medical and/or mental health practitioner, please use my services as an adjunct to theirs.

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