A belated Happy Thanksgiving to all!
I hope that your holiday is filled with community, love, healing and abundance.
I had a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration that was simple and sweet: only myself, my sweetheart, my new friend/housemate and her daughter, an afternoon movie (Justice League!) and later, “breaking bread” together, but only very light cooking on our parts (thank you, “Evolution Fast Food”, for our vegan meal!).
Done! Lovely!
Sitting down to eat with my friends, I was overcome with gratitude, and we toasted our appreciation of each other and the beautiful day we were experiencing together. But something was moving in the shadows of my awareness, and I couldn’t ignore it.
Here I was engaging with others in a tradition that has come to be about sharing with a community of loved ones the prosperity, abundance,
I couldn’t help but think about the genocide of the Native Americans.
Yes, I’m going there.
In honor of the sign Scorpio, I have to talk about the ugly truth on which this holiday is built.
It’s very Scorpionic to look at these uncomfortable truths within ourselves at an individual and collective level. It is during the Scorpio times that we have extra support for doing the “dirty work” of confronting our shadows, our wounds, our unconsciousness,
And as a collective, we have never healed from the genocide of the Native Americans. All of that remains in shadow.
But I think all of the wounds and pain from this (and many other collective wounds from other events in our history), the beginning of our country, are beginning to rise to the surface of our consciousness for confrontation, healing and ultimate transformation.
So, there I was celebrating with friends, but I felt like crying because the Native American pain and wounding is my wounding. It is all of our woundings.
If we are all celebrating with gratitude, then we must bring into awareness the ugly truth that we are celebrating the Native Americans’ great sacrifice so that we could have this country called America.
And in some twisted way, at that moment with friends, I felt like offering up a solemn “thank you” to my Native American brothers and sisters, those long gone and those still with us.
And of course, I hope the awareness doesn’t stop there but expands further and further into ancestral, collective and individual healing in this web of planetary consciousness we all share.

I know we don’t want to think about this during Thanksgiving. I know it is uncomfortable.
It’s also uncomfortable for all of the women and men who are courageously coming forward and revealing the ugly truths of sexual harassment and misconduct forced on them in their pasts. I’m sure it is just as uncomfortable for them as it is for the perpetrators of the sexual abuse who are being outed.
All of these ugly truths are being brought up from the depths and into the light of day.
This is Scorpio’s function.
I suppose we would all be paralyzed with bitterness and depression, if we only did the digging up of the shadow material but never healed it. But if we respond well to Scorpio’s process, then we begin the healing process, and we eventually move on to Sagittarius’ processes.
Whereas Scorpio focuses a great deal of its energy on the truths buried in the shadows of the unconscious (and not all of these truths are ugly!), the truths that we don’t want to face, Sagittarius explores many more of those truths that help to lift us further out of our pain and wounding-universal truths.
At its best, the quest of Sagittarius is all about the ever-expanding journey of updating truths and ultimately coming to know those universal truths about our existence that would serve to anchor our joy, inspiration and hope for the future of our species.
Now, with Venus and Jupiter in Scorpio and the Sun, Mercury,
Let’s get down into the muck of those ugly truths and do that Scorpionic work of making the unconscious conscious and healing, but let’s not stop there. Let’s continue on in our evolutionary journey into the exalted truths of life and existence that our Sagittarius natures can help us to know and integrate into our ever-spiraling journey of expansion.
One of these truths is that in spite of the ugliness we have done and continue to do as individuals and as a collective, there is beauty alongside it.
There is far more beauty, and there is far more love than we have ever been capable of comprehending. We are growing and becoming more aware. We are brothers and sisters, all, in this ancient, collective evolutionary process.
I am hopeful that we are more ready than ever for some of these more loving and beautiful truths to dawn in our hearts.

If you would like to chat with me I encourage you to drop me a line via messenger. I’d be happy to discuss any healing work we may do together. If you would like to know more about me or my services, please visit one of the buttons below.